Industrial Water Softener Sizing Calculator for Industrial Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment and Boiler Feed Softening
The Industrial Water Solutions IWS industrial water softener systems reduce hardness leakage (< 1 ppm), save up to 40% of salt costs, and offer redundancy protecting your industrial reverse osmosis membranes. The calculator below can be used to design and size your industrial softener system for reverse osmosis pretreatment and boiler feed softening. This is the best option for your boiler feed water softener and other processes that are sensitive to water hardness.
This ultra-low hardness leakage industrial water softener utilizes a double pass, worker/polisher design. This is well-suited for reverse osmosis pretreatment and boiler feed water softening. There are many variables beyond the scope of the IWS failsafe industrial water softener calculator such as incoming water quality, and temperature, that also have effects on water softener sizing and are not considered here.
Calculate industrial water softener operating and salt costs.
The above ultra-low hardness leakage industrial softener calculator is only for quick estimates. To receive more details on our low hardness industrial softener, including multiple configurations (twin, triple, quad softeners), pretreatment for reverse osmosis, boiler feed softening, deionization, or directly to your process, please email or call us at 800-820-9021.