Industrial Deionizers: Two-Bed DI, Mixed-Bed DI, High Purity DI

Industrial deionizers, also referred to as demineralizers, are industrial water systems that reduce dissolved solids from water. Industrial Water Solution’s industrial deionizers remove virtually all ions from water making them well-suited for all industrial applications.

Industrial deionizers include the following types:

  • High-purity industrial water deionizers (industrial water DI systems): two-bed (twin bed) DI units with an acid-regenerated cation vessel piped in series with an alkaline-regenerated anion vessel
  • Mixed bed industrial deionizers and industrial water purification systems
  • SDI or Portable DI (deionization) Exchange Tank Systems so your employees don’t have to handle chemicals or regenerations.
  • Electro-deionization (EDI) utilizes electricity, ion exchange membranes, and resin to deionize water and separate impurities from water.

Strong base anion resin-type industrial deionized water systems can be utilized in the preparation of waters where TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) reduction is required. Examples of industrial deionized water use include boiler makeup or various manufacturing processes. These units work most efficiently where the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level of the water to be treated is less than 600 ppm. SBTB units employ cation resins followed by anion resins in separate beds. They produce demineralized water with total mineral contents below 4.0 ppm. Actual effluent qualities vary based on chemical dosages utilized and actual influent water qualities.

The cation resin in an industrial deionizer system is a strong acid type and is regenerated with hydrochloric acid (H2SO4 is also available). The anion resin in an industrial deionizer system is a strong base type II and is regenerated with sodium hydroxide. The pre-engineered industrial deionizers units are designed to provide eight hours of online duty when operated at normal service flow rates. The quality of the demineralized water is normally within a 10-25 microohm range when influent water qualities are 15 grains per gallon of total exchangeable anions or less. Operating conditions and actual influent water analysis are required for predicting more exact capacity, leakage level, and service flow duration of the industrial deionized water system.

These industrial deionizers (DI) are complete skid-mounted units and complete an excellent high-purity water system. They require single-point utility hook-ups for economical installation and startup. Their simple industrial deionizer design maximizes the efficiency and repeatability of the unit during the regenerant chemical introduction modes in order to provide a truly reliable water treatment unit for industrial deionization needs. NOTE: Where removal of silica and carbon dioxide is not required, a weak base two-bed demineralizer (industrial DI system) may be considered.

To greatly increase the efficiency of the system and reduce chemical costs, add a Liqui-Cel membrane contractor system to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) in front of the anion unit or mixed bed.

See our comparison of industrial deionization versus industrial reverse osmosis.

What Are the Applications for Industrial Deionizer (DI) Water Systems?

Industrial Water Solution (IWS) industrial deionizers / demineralizers remove virtually all ions from water including silica and carbon dioxide. The more complete mineral reduction of the SBTB industrial DI water systems (demineralizers) makes them ideally suited to treating water for high-pressure (over 600 psi) boiler use. The low tolerances of these boilers to mineral build-up make the strong base industrial deionized water system (demineralizer) a must for low blowdown waste and savings of both fuel and internal chemical treatment.

The low silica content produced by strong base demineralizers is critical where steam is used to drive turbines. Manufacturing processes that add water directly to a finished product, or washing and rinse operations where spot-free drying is important, also use strong base demineralizers. Additional applications for industrial water deionizer systems (demineralizers) include deionized water for cosmetics metal plating, closed-loop cooling water, and clean air humidification, among others.

Influent waters with total mineral contents above 600 ppm usually require reverse osmosis or similar mineral reduction equipment ahead of the strong base demineralizer. A degasifier installed between the strong acid cation vessel and the strong base anion vessel is recommended when the raw water influent contains high levels of carbon dioxide or alkalinity. The degasification (carbon dioxide removal) will reduce operating costs and initial equipment costs as the anion load is proportionately reduced. When ultra-pure quality water is required for very high-pressure boilers or electronic parts washing, for example, a polishing mixed bed demineralizer may be installed following a strong base demineralizer. Local codes may require waste neutralization of industrial deionizer / demineralizer regenerant effluent. Learn more about when you should use an industrial deionizer.

How Do You Determine the Proper Size of an Industrial Deionizer System?

Use Industrial Water Solutions (IWS) free industrial deionizer size calculator to calculate the correct size of your industrial deionizer (DI) system. If you need help with the input measurements, note that we offer free basic water testing to qualified engineers and industrial and healthcare organizations. Do you have questions? Contact us at 800-820-9021 or with questions or requests for quotes or service.

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What Are Industrial Deionizer Systems’ Standard Features?

Industrial Water Solution (IWS) SBTB series strong base anion two bed demineralizers are designed and manufactured for industrial applications. They are rugged, pre-engineered, pre-assembled catalog units that minimize expensive installation and startup costs. They require simple utility hook-ups (raw water inlet, drain, 120V power source, and demineralized water outlet), resin loading, and initial regeneration for immediate on-line service.

How Does an Industrial Deionizer Work?

The strong base industrial deionizer (demineralizer) is a two vessel system. Water first passes through a strong acid cation exchange vessel, where the ionizable salts in the water are converted to their respective acids. The water then passes through the strong base anion exchange vessel, where the negative radicals of the acids are converted to hydroxyl (OH-) ions. The result is a water containing only hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions which combine to form pure water.

The strong acid cation vessel contains resin similar to the strong acid resin used in an industrial water softener. However, it is regenerated with an acid to convert the resin to the hydrogen form, where it can readily remove cations such as calcium (Ca+2), magnesium (Mg+2) and sodium (Na+) from the water. Either hydrochloric acid (HCl) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4) may be used, with the provision that the use of sulfuric acid requires some equipment modifications to avoid calcium sulfate precipitation during the regeneration process. Exchange capacities range from 15,000 to 30,000 grains per cubic foot depending on the type of cations present in the influent raw water, the effluent water quality desired, and the amount and type of acid regenerant used. The strong base anion vessel contains anion exchange resin. It is regenerated with caustic soda (sodium hydroxide NaOH) to convert the resin to the hydroxyl form, where it can readily remove anions such as chloride (Cl-), sulfate (SO4-2), and nitrate (NO3-) from the water. The strong base resin (unlike the weak base resin) is also capable of removing the more weakly ionizable substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and silica (SiO2).

Deionizer capacities range from 10,000 to 20,000 grains per cubic foot, depending upon the type of anions present, the quality of water desired, and the amount of caustic regenerant used. Raw water alkalinity is converted to carbon dioxide in the strong acid cation vessel. When the alkalinity to total anion ratio is excessive, the load on the strong base anion resin can be significantly reduced and operating efficiency increased by installing a degasifier prior to the strong base vessel.

Preventative maintenance for industrial deionizers is very important, as that can keep this critical system running and avoid downtime.

You may also find these twin bed deionizer calculators helpful:

Industrial Deionizer

Related Industrial Water Products from Industrial Water Solutions

Industrial Water Solutions (IWS) services and sells industrial water systems including industrial water softeners, industrial reverse osmosis, industrial UV water systems. We also provide industrial water equipment repair service and preventative maintenance both in the Midwest and throughout the U.S.

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