Fleck Industrial Water Softener Brine Injection Rates

Below are brining rates for a fleck industrial water softener. Find out how you size a brine injector for an fleck industrial water softener here. Most fleck industrial water softeners have brine injectors with the design criteria below for down flow/co-current brining.  Also learn how you can save money with our underground brine and salt storage solutions.

  • Industrial Softener Brine Slow Rinse Rate Range Per Square Foot or Tank Area: .45- .90 gpm/ft^2
  • Industrial Softener Minimum Brine Slow Rinse Rate Per Square Foot or Tank Area: .45 gpm/ft^2
  • Industrial Softener Brine Slow Rinse Rate Range Per Cubic Foot: .16-.32 gpm/cubic foot
  • Industrial Softener Minimum Brine Rinse Rate Per Cubic Foot: .16 gpm/cubic foot

Industrial Water Solutions provides preventative maintenance, offers repair services, and supplies quotes for industrial water systems including industrial water softeners, industrial reverse osmosis, industrial water UV systems, and other industrial water systems throughout the U.S. including Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois.

Contact us at 800-820-9021 or info@industrialh2osolutions.com for a quote or service.

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